I should also mention that I'm on a different computer today. A computer that doesn't use Firefox. This means my spelling probably won't be as good, since Internet Explorer is stupid and doesn't have one of those built in spell-check thingies.
I have two books, an Andy Warhol art exhibit, and a Journey, Heart and Cheap Trick concert to talk about today. It's 11:58, and I need to be at the library by 3:30. I think I can get it all out in time :P
Books first, I guess.
If you remember, in my last post I wrote about a book called A Million Little Pieces. It wasn't a bad book, but his constant throwing up did get annoying. (Speaking of throwing up, I threw up my breakfast this morning. Not fun.) Recently, I read James Frey's second book that follows along after A Million Little Pieces. It is called My Friend Leonard, and it was a billion gajillion times better than it's older brother. There was no throwing up, and there was more about someone I had been wating to learn more about - Leonard.
Instead of reading about James trying to clean himself up, we read about his life after jail as he tries to start over.
Spoiler: I really, really hate it when someone doesn't read the first book in a series, and then makes stupid comments about the second or third or whatever book, jut making themselves look stupid. The other day, I was looking at some discussions online about My Friend Leonard, and there's this chick, going "OMG IT WAS SOOO STUPID TO START THE BOOK WITH A FREAKIN DEAD GIRLFRIEND! WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO KNOW HER OR ANYTHING!!!!111!!111!!!!" Said dead girlfriend, is Lilly. And you know, Stupid Person Making Stupid Comments, if you read the first book, you would have known quite a lot about Lilly, and you would have known even before starting the second book, that Lilly was going to be dead the day James got out of jail. So for us smarty pants that read them in order, we may have gotten a bit teary-eyed, but we didn't go off on stupid rants about something we already knew was going to happen :)
The next book is called A Long Way Down, by one of my favorite authors, Nick Hornby. To sum this book up in one sentance, you could say it's the funniest book about suicide you'll ever find. I cheered and rooted for the characters along the way, and had to laugh at how they couldn't stand each other, but somehow could never manage to stay apart. It has four protagonists and told from four different point of views; Martin, a well known TV talk show host, Jess, an angsty teenage girl, Maureen, mother of a "vegetable," and JJ, a musician. All four meet on New Year's Eve at Toppers House, which is really a well known rooftop in London for people ready to end their lives.
It sounds like a sad story, but really, it's anything but. I was in a bit of a slump myself when I started reading it, but I loved it and couldn't be in bad mood while reading :)
Andy Warhol can be next.
Andy Warhol is one of my favorite artists, so I was pretty excited when I found out we were going to be seeing a mini-exhibit of his at The Crocker Art Museum. There was ten silk screened paintings (so by the end my feet weren't dying). All the pieces went together, and were part of Andy Warhol's Athletes Series. Each painting had a different athlete. Altogether, we saw paintings of Dorothy Hamill, Muhammad Ali, Pele, Jack Nicklaus, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Chris Evert, Willie Shoemaker, Tom Seaver, OJ Simpson and Rod Gilbert.
And now, the Journey concert!
In case you didn't know, I lovelovelovelovelove Journey. When a friend asked if I wanted to go with him to a Journey, Heart, and Cheap Trick concert, I was pretty excited. Jumping up and down excited. The concert, itself, was amazing. At first I was a little scared that Arnel Pineda wouldn't live up to the awesomeness that is Steve Perry, but after the first song, my worries were completely gone. It was more crowded than any place I'd ever been, so that was annoying. Our seats were far, but we could stil hear perfectly. Drunk people stumbled around me, but I came out safe. Oh, and then there was the issue with the person that I went along with, but I won't get into that. But anyways, Journey now replaces any band I've seen as the greatest band to see live.
I had to cut everything short today. I still need time to eat lunch and watch a Discovery Project Earth thingy.
Bye bye :)