Before I go into rants about other things, books will come first, I guess. (and I have my spell check back this time. Woo!)
So when finding out my love of reading, Eric insisted that I read a couple of his books so we could see if our taste in books relate. He gave me a copy of The Hammer of Eden by Ken Follett (who I only recently learned that he is a famous and well known author thats written like, a billion books), and London Bridges by James Patterson. I actually haven't gotten around to reading the James Patterson yet, but I DID read the Ken Follett and....uh, wow. He writes an intriguing story line, but his writing itself is nothing to applaud. I can see him doing better as a filmwriter...that'd actually be pretty cool, I think o_o.
The Hammer of Eden was told from two different point of views. First, we have Priest. Leader of a commune of hippies. Priest and a few followers decide to place a threat to the government that they will cause earthquakes unless they stop building power plants...which they can really do, thanks to seismologist-turned-hippie, Melanie. Then we have Judy Maddox, FBI agent placed in charge of tracking down the group before an earthquake strikes. Ok, sounds stupid. In a way, it kinda was. But I'm not saying it's the great American novel. But when I took the time to read it, it was better than I thought it'd be. So, Follett gets credit for that. Nevertheless, I saw Follett's book The Man From St. Petersburg at the Friends of the Library and bought it for a quarter in preparation for the next rainy day.
I also read Love, Rosie (Previously published as Rosie Dunne) by Ceceila Ahern, same lady who wrote book-into-movie, PS, I Love You. I'm not gonna bother to elaborate. Chick lit that you could finish over a boring rainy weekend. Not a waste of time, but I'd only read it if you have time to waste...that didn't make much sense...nevermind.
And now, I'm reading two different books (...yeah >_>):
The Color Purple, by Alice Walker. Brittany has always been telling me I need to watch the movie, and since I had the book sitting around, I thought I'd give it a try. Should be finished with it any day now, if I'd just sit down and finish it already. It's not bad, and I like how it's written in letters to both God and Nettie but at the same time a journal. I was thinking Celie was a lesbien at first, but then I decided that she wasn't. Kinda crazy how in the whole book guys keep cheating on their wives and no one really cares...haha...haaa...ha?
Im also interested to see what the musical's like. I'm sure it's good, but I can't really picture it as a musical, so it's something I'll need to check out. When I get around to it.
Finally, we have The Green Mile! Yeah...I had never planned to read a Stephen King book, but here I am. I bought two copies of it at the Benecia Friends of the Library after Eric and I watched the movie the night before and decided that we needed to read it. Then we're gonna discuss if the book was as awesome as the movie. So far I like it, but I'm only on chapter six. For some reason I thought it would be one of those hard reads, but it's actually pretty simple...aside from the few names I can't really pronounce. Better review when I finish it.
Travis had his 21st birthday this weekend. And now he is old. Muahaha. But happy birthday (again) to Tavi :) Lots and lots of people came, and Eric surprised me by showing up even though he was supposed to be gone the whole weekend doing manly army training junk on Mair (Mayer? Mare? Don't care.) Island. And I got to meet Tavi's new special lady friend ;D Tehehehehe.
Getting my wisdom (teeth) taken out this Friday. Yay, druuuugs! I hope I don't turn into a chipmunk, but with my luck, I probably will.
Recent peeeectures just for the heck of it that will cause your interweb to lag because I didn't resize them!:
At Tavi's birthday (sorry, tilt your head) In order, top row- Mom, Paul, Eric, Adam, Katie, Kon, Thai. Front- Me/Natalie, Rachel, Marcus, Curtis, Henry, and Jesse:
Dad and I aren't very fond of cameras (from our recent camping trip, a few weeks ago)
What Katie, Rachel and I did on Halloween =P
And look, it's Raptor Jesus!