(I decided to make my entrance Dane Cook style)
Well, since I have last posted…um…
I’ve read a lot? =/
Chasing Windmills by Catherine Ryan Hyde;
That was pretty cool. My mom checked out the book for herself but I stole it instead, to see if Mrs. Hyde’s books are as good as I’ve heard. The story kept me reading and I thought the writing was very gooooood. Poor Sebastian though geeeezeeeeeeee. Now I’m reading another book by her called Love, in the Present Tense. So far, I still like her writing, but I’m having a bit of trouble getting into the story this time. I’m not giving up though! GOGOGOGOGOGOGONATIGO.
Love, Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli was completed as well. It’s the sequel to Stargirl. This one was written more as a journal, taking place from Stargirl’s point of view, after she’s moved away from Arizona (or..I think that’s where they used to be). But to be exact, what Stargirl was writing was a massively long letter to her darling that jilted her, Leo.
I liked the first book better.
I love Stargirl as a character, but having her tell the story didn’t fit well for me. The first was from Leo’s point of view, where he would tell us what he saw of Stargirl. What was really going on in her head was supposed to be a mystery to us. Having her tell us her thoughts in this new book was just weird and slightly annoying at times.
But it was still a nice read. It was nice to have the characters return after so long.
I also finished (in about a day, if you add up the reading hours), more of a..chick-lit novel. Because I heard and read from fifty bajillion sources that Sarah Dessen is like the epitome of bittersweet chick novels that’ll make you cry. Which isn’t really my thing…but I wanted to see what she was like anyway. So I read Dreamland. It was about..as good as I expected it to be. I expected a story that wasn’t at its best, not the great american novel; but a good light read. Although the reading was light, the story was not. That girl got into a lot of sticky stuff o__o. I guess I can see why other girls my age would like her books so much, though. I mean they’re not bad…they’re just not anything special. I’ll probably read a few more of her books if I find one that catches my attention. During the summer, though. When I’ll have more time to read books that don’t matter (haha).
Speaking of Sara Dessen…on my recent trip to Copperfield’s Books, it came to my attention that on May 22, E. Lockhart, Lauren Myracle, and yes, Sarah Dessen would all be in attendance. I’m hoping to go, but we’ll see. Although I also wanted to see Carl Hiassen this month too…
…and the Powerman 5000 concert is the day before Sara Dessen too!!! I’m so demanding grahhh. I’d actually rather see Powerman more than Sarah Desson…but I don’t think I’ll be able to find a way to get there…so that one might be out of the question, hahahaaa.
Currently reading: I Am the Messenger (Markus Zusak), Love, in the Present Tense (Cathering Ryan Hyde), and The Sweet Far Thing (STILL)((Libba Bray)).
In other news, I’m thinking of doing a play! Acting or tech, I can’t decide. I’ll probably end up trying to do tech, though. But acting is still a itty bitty option. Itty. Bitty. The production is Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew!
I've also been getting into Les Miserables. I've had that Les Miserables in concert tape thing that I bought at the thrift store (three bucks woo!) for awhile now, but never watched it until Megan and Margy came over, and Margy wanted to watch it. Mom cried. Hahahahaha. Since then, I've downloaded all the different songs they had off Limewire (lucky my computer survived it), and attempted reading Spark Notes in hopes to get a better grasp on the story. Brittany's also studying it for school; but she's not doing the musical. She's reading the 1,400 page book. We try and understand it better together. Without much luck...but hey, we're trying. I'm listening to those Limewire-downloaded songs as I type! =O
Oh, and take a look at what I made the other day! Hahahahaha. I'm an alien!
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